Stress at work and 10 tips to become more relaxed in everyday life

For many, everyday working life is becoming more and more of a burden. Deadline pressure, a heavy workload, as well as pressure from outside and on oneself lead to a permanent stress load and excessive demands on the job. The feeling of being overwhelmed is more common than one might think and has already become a social problem. Since excessive demands in our society are often seen as failures or mistakes, self-doubt also increases. The result: those affected feel helpless and lose themselves in a vicious circle, which in the worst case leads to burnout and depression.

But what are the typical symptoms and signs of excessive demands at work? And what can be done to regain calm and composure in everyday working life? The answers to these questions and more await you in this article. We hope you enjoy reading and discovering new insights!

Table of contents

  • Excessive demands at work – what are they?
  • Recognising excessive demands at work
  • Consequences of excessive demands
  • Tips and help with excessive demands on the job

Excessive demands at work – what is that?

We speak of excessive demands when we no longer feel up to the tasks at hand at work. Our own resources and capacities are no longer sufficient to achieve the desired performance. “I can’t do it any more!” and “How am I supposed to do it all?!” are typical statements and thoughts of people who suffer from excessive demands at work.

The excessive demands can even go so far that a fear of work sets in. Those affected then experience increased inner tension and stress, which are perceived as very burdensome.

But what exactly leads to excessive demands at work?

Whether taking care of the family or one’s own health – many people are already struggling with many challenges in their private lives and are plagued by permanent stress. Added to this is the feeling of no longer being able to cope with the job and the tasks associated with it. In addition, expectations of oneself increase. Others can do it too, can’t they? The pressure from outside and on oneself increases, the stress load rises and the overload increases more and more – unfortunately, so does the discomfort of those affected. If such an overload persists for a long time, chronic stress is pre-programmed, which manifests itself in physical and mental complaints.

Excessive demands on the job therefore arise above all when there are challenges in both private and professional everyday life. A high workload, constant availability even after work hours, together with the combination of family and job lead to a particularly high stress load.

Overstrained employees most often complain about:

  • high pressure from outside, e.g. from the boss and colleagues
  • too many appointments
  • lack of staff, e.g. due to illness
  • lack of skills and further training
  • a lack of mental balance
  • Expecting too much of yourself
  • new and additional tasks
  • an unclear distribution of roles in the job
  • new structures in the workplace
  • Recognising excessive demands at work

Excessive demands at work are usually very individual, as everyone reacts differently to external and internal stimuli. Nevertheless, there are certain symptoms and typical signs that point to overwork. If you observe some of these signs in yourself or your colleagues, do not ignore them. They will give you initial clarity about your current situation, help you to recognise excessive demands at work in good time and finally take targeted countermeasures.

The most common signs of excessive demands at work are:

  • lack of optimism and self-worth
  • difficulties with projects
  • a lot of overtime
  • problems with colleagues
  • a feeling of helplessness
  • increased sadness and crying
  • loss of energy
  • withdrawal and escaping behaviour
  • frequent absenteeism due to illness
  • sleep disturbances
  • fear of new tasks
  • negative view of the future

stress at work symptoms


Consequences of excessive demands

Persistent excessive demands at work and stress affect our physical and mental well-being. Those affected often feel helpless, irritable, sad and additionally complain about various physical symptoms.

Possible physical consequences can be:

  • chronic stress has a negative effect on hormone balance
  • skin diseases
  • gastro-intestinal diseases
  • migraine
  • increased pulse and heart palpitations

Possible psychological consequences can be:

  • depression
  • states of exhaustion
  • aggressive behaviour
  • Burnout
  • sleep disorders
  • anxieties
  • tips and help if you feel overwhelmed at work

If you are constantly feeling stressed and overwhelmed, or if any of the symptoms mentioned above apply to you, you should take action early on. With the next 10 tips and reflective questions, we’ll show you how to do it! Say goodbye to being overwhelmed at work and welcome calmness and serenity into your life.

Develop a healthy morning routine

We often read our first emails from bed and start the day already stressed and full of worries. So why not start the day with a healthy morning routine? Morning rituals help you to start the day fresh and healthy and to develop a positive mindset to get through the day armed.

Tip: Before you reach for your mobile phone when you get up, try to consciously do without it. Even 10 minutes of yoga in the morning, a guided meditation and a cold shower do wonders to welcome the day with a good feeling.

healthy morning routine

Prioritise your tasks

Often we just see a big mountain of tasks and don’t know what to start with first. Therefore, it is important that you learn to prioritise your tasks. The best way to do this is to make a plan for the next few days and weeks. Try to do the most important tasks first, followed by the smaller less important tasks. This creates clarity and awareness of the next to-do’s and the time you have available for them. It will also make it easier for you to say no to additional tasks without being haunted by a guilty conscience.

Mindfulness on the job: Accepting the excessive demand

Mindfulness means being aware of the present moment and accepting it without wanting to change it. This does not only mean the beautiful and positive moments, but also the stressful and unpleasant situations in your job and everyday life. But how can you practice mindfulness at work?

The next time you find yourself in a stressful and overwhelming situation at work, think of it as an exercise for your mindfulness routine.

Here’s how you can practice it:

Close your eyes, take three deep breaths in and out and mentally distance yourself from the situation. Don’t identify with the stress, but be aware that this moment will pass.
First accept the situation as it is. Say to yourself: “The situation is stressful and I feel overwhelmed. But that’s okay and it will pass. I have the strength and resources to deal with the situation.”
You can’t change the external circumstances for now, but you always have a choice about how you respond to external circumstances. So ask yourself: Is the situation worth being stressed and overwhelmed? Or would I rather stay calm and relaxed?

Take regular breaks and time-outs

Even if time and deadlines often say otherwise, it is important to take regular breaks and time-outs. Most of us find it difficult to relax and take time out from work in our stressful everyday lives. Therefore, plan enough relaxation and rest phases so that you can replenish your reserves.

Tip: After each task, try to stand up, drink water, breathe deeply and move or stretch for at least 2 minutes. Also, get out into the fresh air during your lunch break. The feeling of the sun on your skin and the natural light will activate your senses and give you new vitality.

Find a balance that you enjoy

Stress and excessive demands can rarely be reduced completely. That’s why it’s important to find an outlet that allows you to quickly relieve the pent-up stress. Such an outlet looks different for every person.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What activities take my mind off things?
What is fun for me and gives me feelings of happiness?
Which people give me more harmony in my life?
With whom or what can you just let yourself go?

Go into yourself and look specifically for such activities, hobbies and people in your environment. Make these your ritual as soon as things get stressful at work and you feel overwhelmed.

Exercise is a great way to effectively reduce stress hormones. Whether it’s regular workouts, yoga, meditation, hiking in nature or even horseback riding – ask yourself what’s good for you, listen to your body and follow your intuition. Only you know what you need.

Talk to your supervisor

As soon as you notice signs and symptoms of excessive demands and can no longer cope with the tasks at hand, talk to your supervisor. By describing the problem and explaining your current situation, solutions can be found together.

Try to make it clear to yourself that being overwhelmed at work is not a failure or mistake on your part, but that admitting it is a sign of strength. Also realise that you are not alone and that by talking to your boss you are also helping your colleagues. So have the courage and seek a conversation in a timely manner!




















Tips for conducting difficult conversations

We have the following tips for you so that you can confidently and calmly communicate your excessive demands to your superiors:

Prepare yourself and take the time to write down all the points you would like to raise. Remain objective during the conversation and ask directly if you don’t understand something. If you are caught off guard by your emotions, take a few deep breaths into your stomach. This will calm you down and give you more energy at the same time.

Also ask yourself:

  • What is the goal of the conversation?
  • What do I want to learn from my boss?
  • How do I want to feel in the conversation?

Consciously seek help

You don’t have to solve all the challenges at work on your own! Talking to your manager is the first step towards getting help! But also tell the people around you that you feel overwhelmed and ask those around you for support.

Asking for help is not a weakness, on the contrary: this is how you show strength! Facing challenges together allows us humans to grow together.

Change your professional situation

If you are so overwhelmed that your inner dissatisfaction gets out of hand, start thinking about your future so that you can change your professional situation if necessary.

Ask yourself:

  • Where do I see myself in 5 years?
  • Will my current job take me to the goal I want to achieve?
  • Is the company right for me and my personal goals?
  • Is a change of position within the company enough or am I looking for something completely new?
  • Is there an opportunity for growth?
  • Can I fully utilise my individual strengths?
  • Am I satisfied or do I long for change?
  • Take advantage of preventive offers and avoid chronic overstrain

To avoid being overwhelmed at work, it is important to reflect on your situation again and again. By practising mindfulness exercises, you will learn over time to listen to yourself and your body and prioritise your health. You will notice even tiny changes in your body and psyche and asking questions about your daily well-being will happen automatically over time. If something doesn’t feel right, you can react and take direct countermeasures with the measures mentioned above.

All the offers from calmbase help you to strengthen your well-being and to bring body, mind & soul back into balance.

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